Computing results. SLOC Directory SLOC-by-Language (Sorted) 2760971 epan ansic=2727388,xml=24589,lex=4410,pascal=4330,python=254 268024 build cpp=231243,ansic=19023,xml=17221,sh=502,tcl=35 148108 ui cpp=122062,ansic=25825,lex=151,objc=70 104383 plugins ansic=101634,cpp=1485,lex=1264 79212 tools python=39602,perl=24379,ansic=6212,sh=4829,xml=4190 54397 fix xml=54397 53415 wiretap ansic=52076,lex=1339 30787 top_dir ansic=30778,sh=9 24194 wsutil ansic=24194 14431 test python=14382,xml=33,sh=16 10574 extcap ansic=9241,cpp=1020,python=313 7391 capture ansic=7391 872 packaging sh=730,xml=74,python=64,ansic=4 818 doc python=404,ansic=171,xml=129,ruby=114 621 writecap ansic=621 613 randpkt_core ansic=613 500 resources xml=320,sh=180 378 include ansic=378 312 fuzz ansic=312 0 ccache (none) 0 cmake (none) Totals grouped by language (dominant language first): ansic: 3005861 (84.43%) cpp: 355810 (9.99%) xml: 100953 (2.84%) python: 55019 (1.55%) perl: 24379 (0.68%) lex: 7164 (0.20%) sh: 6266 (0.18%) pascal: 4330 (0.12%) ruby: 114 (0.00%) objc: 70 (0.00%) tcl: 35 (0.00%) Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 3,560,001 Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 1,071.65 (12,859.79) (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05)) Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 7.59 (91.09) (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38)) Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule) = 141.18 Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 144,765,225 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40). SLOCCount, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 David A. Wheeler SLOCCount is Open Source Software/Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPL. SLOCCount comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions as specified by the GNU GPL license; see the documentation for details. Please credit this data as "generated using David A. Wheeler's 'SLOCCount'."